south chicago creek - trail #88

Beginning Elevation: 9920
High Point: 11200
End Elevation: 11200
Difficulty: Moderate
Length, One Way: 1.5 miles
Seasons: Summer
USGS Quads: Georgetown
Other Maps: Arapaho National Forest, Trails Illustrated #104
Usage Level: Low
Access Trailheads: South Chicago Creek



This is a short, quiet trail that rises gradually on an old road to the ruins of an old sawmill. Beyond the millsite, the trail gradually grows more vague before disappearing altogether. The more adventurous can keep climbing up out of the timber and onto the tundra beyond.


The upper end of south Chicago Creek was logged, probably around the turn of the century. The trail follows an old road that served an old sawmill almost a mile up from the trailhead. Old spur logging roads branch off to the right and left as you climb. A large fire in 1905 burned much of the country in the vicinity, including the West Chicago Creek area and lower Hefferman Gulch.